Sorai Pisang Krispy Dan Kopi Gula Aren, Food Court Coco Garden
Closed • Opens at 11:00 tomorrow

Sorai Pisang Krispy Dan Kopi Gula Aren, Food Court Coco Garden

Super Partner

Snacks, Coffee, Beverages

30.15 km

Price range

Sorai Kopisang

Pisang Krispy Komplit

Pisang Toping Gula Aren, Susu, Keju dan Coklat


Es Kopi Gula aren

Perpaduan Susu, Kopi Dan Gula Aren


Paket Ngemil Kenyang

Pisang Krispy Komplit Dan Es Kopi Susu Gula Aren


Paket Nongkrong Sejoli

2 Pisang Krispy + 2 Kopi Susu Gula Aren


Es Susu Gula Aren Medium

Es susu gula aren


Pisang Krispy Toping Tiramisu Cookies

Pisang Krispy + Tiramisu +Cookies


Es manggo Sorai

Es rasa Mangga Yang Menyegarkan


Pisang krispy Toping Green Tea

Perpaduan Pisang Krispy, Gula Aren dan Green Tea


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