Beverages, Rice, Noodles
38.47 km
50+ ratings
40+ ratings
40+ ratings
Ketoprak Pakai Nasi Putih Telor Bumbu Kacang Bihun Toge Irisan Timun Krupuk Bumbu Kacang
Naso Bakso Telor Sosis
Mie Tiau Telor Bakso Sosis
toping bakso telor sosis
nasi ati ampela tempe tahu sambel
Teh Susu Kental Dll
Nescaffe + Susu Kental Es Batu
Coklat-Strobery-mangga-allukat-durian-kacang Hijau-vanila Latte-vanila Blue-Lecy-Choco Cokies-Jambu-Anggur-Coklat Susu-Cream Chees-Yogurt Straberry-Sirsak-Moccacino-Taro-Choco Chese
Rasa: Anggur, Mangga, Sweet Orange, Nanas, Madu Lemon, Apel Jeruk, Cincau, Stroberry, Florida Orange, Sirsak
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