Kupang Kraton Hj.Qomariyah, Dr.Cipto, Klojen
Seafood, Sweets, Sate
Es Teler Durian & Soup Durian Omama, Klojen
Beverages, Sweets, Snacks
The Harvest, Malang R. Suprapto
Bang Bang Wings, Klojen
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Western
Takoyaki-san, Rampal Celaket
Japanese, Snacks, Fast food
Rujak & Tahu Telur, Warung Tressel, Tretes Selatan No.4
Indonesian, Rice
masakan padang raja murah, kaliurang
Chicken & duck, Rice, Fast food
Selat Solo Dapur Ibu, Ruko WR Supratman
Rice, Bakso & soto, Snacks
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