Minuman, Barat, Timur Tengah
Airy omelette infused with crisp zest of spring onions
Crafted to perfection,this delightful dish combines fluffy farm eggs,generously folded over a rich filling of sauteed mushrooms and melted cheese
A comforting blend poached eggs draped in velvety garlic infused yogurt seasoned with spicy red pepper flakes and hint of fresh dill
Fresh greens,featuring coriander, dill,spinach and leek,seasoned with salt and pepper with perfectly whisked eggs yo create a delightful texture and flavor
A gently sauteed ripe tomatoes mingled with tender scrambled eggs infused with hint of ground black pepper,red pepper flakes and fresh coriander
Just choose your way of cooking
Creaminess of Perfectly ripe avocado speread generously on crispy sourdough toast,crowded with a soft poached egg
Perfectly cooked eggs paired with ripe,juicy tomatoes and spinach a top a slice of crusty sourdough toast
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