Ayam & bebek
23.11 km
600+ rating
500+ rating
400+ rating
Whole Chicken kampung free sambal + lalapan
Chicken kampung 1/4 part, free sambal
Chicken kampung 1/4 part, smashed in fresh chilli
Chicken satay tanpa kulit dan lemak, without skin nor fat (10 sticks)
Free sambal, size large, dimasak dari ikan hidup (grilled / fried live gourami fish)
Size large, dimasak dari ikan hidup (sweet and sour live gourami fish)
Size large, dimasak dari ikan hidup (fresh, tangy cooked Pesmol-style live gourami fish)
Size large, dimasak dari ikan hidup (spicy rica-rica live gourami fish)
Deep-Fried Fresh Shrimp / With Mayonaise / Sweet & Sour
Deep-Fried Fresh Calamari / With Mayonaise / Sweet & Sour
Fresh Shrimp Sauteed In Worchester-Style Sauce
Free Sambal, Size Large (Boneless Milkfish Grilled / Fried)
Boneless Milkfish Steamed Spicy In Banana Leaves Boneless
Udang Kecil Digoreng Crispy, Free Sambal Rica (Small-Sized Shrimp Crispy-Fried)
Rasa Gurih Asam Segar. With Fresh Shrimps, Calamari, Fish Fillet, And Mushroom. Fresh, Savoury, Sour.
Masak Bakar / Goreng / Kuah Kuning / Asam Manis. Style Grilled / Fried / Yellow Soup / Sweet & Sour, Deep-Sea Fish
Nasi, 1 pot ayam bakar/goreng, terong balado, tahu tempe bacem, bihun, lalapan, sambal
Nasi ayam kampung 1 potong + lalapan, sambal, kecap
Pia 1 bj. nasi,1 pot ayam bkr/grng, terong balado, tahu tempe bacem, bihun, sambal, kecap, kremes
With sambal and kecap. Rice with half whole kampung chicken (grilled / fried),
+ cah kangkung + fresh sambal. 2 boxes of grilled / fried gourami rice meals w/ sauteed kangkong veggie,
Nasi Putih, cumi hitam, ayam 1 potong, kering tempe, terong balado,serundeng, bihun, lalapan, sambal
Nasi ayam kampung penyet + lalap (Rice w/ Smashed kampong chicken in fresh chili)
Sauteed Beansprout With Salted Fish
Sauteed Ginseng Vegetable
Sauteed Siomak Vegetable
Sauteed Salt-Cured Vegetable With Tofu
Fresh, Tasty Assorted Vegetable In Tamarind-Infused Soup. Your Daily Dose Of Salad But With Soup.
Fresh Assorted Raw Vegetable
Sauteed Morning Glory / Kangkong Veggie With Chicken Bits
Isi Ayam, Sayur, Telur + (Sauteed noodles with chicken bits, veggies, and eggs)
Free 1 telor ceplok/ egg +
Steamed Rice
Kerupuk udang pilihan dikemas nitrogen-fill pack & kerenyahan terjaga sebagai cemilan dan teman hidangan makan
Isi 3 potong/pcs (Tofu / Tempeh)
Isi 3 potong/pcs (Tofu / Tempeh, either fried or smashed-spicy)
Sunny-Side Up / Omelette Egg
Rolled-Up Eggs (2 Pieces)
Smashed Eggplant With Fresh Chili Sambal
Fresh Shrimp-Paste Chili Sambal
Fresh Chili Sambal With Shaved Young Mango
Sambal Irisan Tomat, Bawang Merah, Dll (Fresh Raw Chili Sambal With Shaved Tomatoes, Shallots, Etc)
Fresh Assorted Raw Vegetables With Chilli Sambal
Isi 10 pcs mix kacang hijau, coklat, keju. Resep turun temurun sejak 1900. Packing premium exclusive. Cocok untuk break/tea-time.
Tanpa pengawet, dengan olive oil. Per botol isi 150 ml (No preservatives, with olive oil)
Tanpa pengawet, dengan olive oil. Per botol isi 150 ml (No preservatives, with olive oil)
Dibuat Fresh Dari Labu Dan Madu Yang Baik Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh (Pumpkin Honey Cake 6 Pieces). Cocok Untuk Melengkapi Break/Tea Time Anda. Tahan Hari Ini Saja.
Dibuat Fresh Dari Labu Dan Madu Yang Baik Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh (Pumpkin Honey Cake 1 Piece). Cocok Untuk Melengkapi Break/Tea Time Anda. Tahan Hari Ini Saja.
Varian: Kacang Hijau/Mung Bean, Coklat/Chocolate, Keju/Cheese. Resep Turun Temurun Sejak 1900. Cocok Untuk Break/Tea Time
Best-Selling Pop Corn In Town! Sweet Caramel-Y. 300 Gram Per Toples. Tahan 1 Bulan.
Best-Selling Pop Corn In Town! Sweet Chocolate-Y. 300 Gram Per Toples. Tahan 1 Bulan.
Best-Selling Pop Corn In Town! Sweet And Cheese-Y. 300 Gram Per Toples. Tahan 1 Bulan.
Gross Weight 250 Grams (Authentic Raw Honey From Wild Forest In East Nusa Tenggara)
Banana Cake With Almond Slice And Chochote Chips
Cocok Sebagai Pelengkap Makanan Apa Saja
Ayam Bumbu Rujak + Setengah Telur Asin, Kerirng Tempe, Cah sayunr, Bakmie. Khusus makan siang
Telur Bumbu Rujak + Sambal Goreng Ati + Bakmie + Cah Buncis Wortel, Khusus makan siang
Cah sayur + sambel rica -rica. Lunch only. (Rice with small deep-fried shrimp with shredded chicken, mix veggies, and sambal),kering tempe, serundeng
+ 1/2 telur asin + cah buncis wortel + khusus makan siang
Tasty Milk With Grass Jelly And Palm Sugar
Indonesian Iced Dessert Of Sugar Palm (Kolang Kaling), Nata Decoco, Grass Jelly, Pandan Jelly, Pearls, Young Coconut, Pineapple, Jackfruit, Pudding
Iced Young Coconut Drink
Coklat Pilihan Dari Amerika, Diblend Dengan Susu Creamy
Lime Drink From Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate
Orange Drink From Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate
Lemon / Passionfruit Squash
Sweet Tea Drink With Fruit Flavors
Sweet / Unsweetened Freshly Brewed Tea
Iced Coconut Milk Drink With Pandan Jelly And Palm Sugar
Iced Grass Jelly Drink
Syrup Iced Drink
Black Coffee Warm / Iced
Warm / Iced Traditional Cappucino
Mineral Bottled Water
Ice Cubes
Condensed Milk Mixed With Soda / Coca Cola
Susu Terbaik Dicampur Dengan Teh Terbaik. Tasty Milk Blended With Brewed Tea.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Avocado Juice
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Macapuno (Sport Coconut) Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Durian Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Avocado Durian Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Macapuno (Sport Coconut) Durian Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Soursop Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Mango Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Orange Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Guava Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Rock Melon Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Apple Juice.
Apel + Melon + Tomat. Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. (Apple + Rock Melon + Tomato)
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Passionfruit.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Passionfruit Juice
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Lychee Juice.
Real Fruit. Not From Concentrate. Tomato Juice.
6 pcs pia rasa kuno dengan kartu ucapan lebaran dan kotak cantik disertai pita
6 pcs pia rasa kuno, 1 toples kue sagu vanilla, kurma jelly dengan kartu ucapan lebaran dan kotak cantik disertai pita
1 ekor ayam bakar/goreng primarasa, 3 pcs pia rasa kuno, kurma jelly dengan kartu ucapan lebaran dan tas serut batik cantik disetai pita
Banana Cake With Almond Slice And Chocolate Chips
Pisang Bolen Hidangan Ringan Berbahan Baku Pisang Yang Dilapisi Gulungan Lembar Pastry Dan Kemudian Dilengkapi dengan Sepotong Keju Atau Coklat
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