Barat, Minuman
5.13 km
400+ rating
400+ rating
300+ rating
Sirloin wagyu steak 200gr serve with vegie, french fries and BBQ Sauce include Cutlery
Delicious and Juicy Chicken Steak
Tenderloin wagyu steak 200gr serve with vegie, french fries and BBQ Sauce include Cutlery
Get 3 pax delicious and juicy steak (tenderloin, Sirloin, Ribeye) serve with vegetables and side dish
Package for 2 persons consist of sirloin wagyu steak and rib eye wagyu steak serve with BBQ sauce, vegie and frenchfries. You also get 2 tea for drink
Package for 2 person consist tenderloin wagyu steak and sirloin wagyu steak serve with BBQ sauce, vegie and french fries. You also get 2 tea for drinks
Rib Eye wagyu steak 200gr serve with vegie, french fries and BBQ Sauce include Cutlery
Package for 2 person consist tenderloin wagyu steak and rib eye wagyu steak serve with BBQ sauce, vegie and french fries. You also get 2 tea for drinks
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