Barat, Jepang, Korea
2.84 km
200+ rating
200+ rating
100+ rating
Beef sambal matah, barley pearl kecombrang, perkedel, tumis melinjo, assorted greens, pickled daikon carrots, tempeh crisps, crispy shallots
Beef rendang, cilantro rice, tumis melinjo, tumis daun singkong, assorted greens, chili baked chickpeas, crispy shallots and healthy sambal tomat
Roasted chicken thigh, cilantro rice, tahu bacem, yuzu tomato salad, assorted greens, pickled daikon carrots, roasted peanuts, crispy shallots and healthy sambal hijau
Honey chicken, barley pearl kecombrang, tahu bacem, balinese string beans, assorted greens, pickled daikon carrots, chili baked chickpeas, crispy shallots and healthy sambal tomat
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