Minuman, Kopi, Makanan sehat
Choose your own smoothie and juice
Choose your own smoothie and juice
Choose your own protein smoothie and juice
Sourdough bread, fragrant hainan chicken, scallion ginger relish, sweet umami ginger sauce, chili jam, tomatoes, crispy fried garlic, cucumbers, fresh cilantro, red radish and pak choy + fries
Sourdough bread, chicken breast, chili jam, cassava leaves, pickled red cabbage, crispy onion fritter, afafa, curry leaves chips and dip in gulai sauce + fries
Sourdough bread, tender slices of grilled chicken, fresh cilantro, cucumbers, pickled carrot daikon, pickled chilies, red radish, chili jam, and vegan crispy chicken skin + fries
Sourdough bread, chicken deli, terong balado, kale, babaganoush, sauerkraut gherkin, balsamic reduction sauce and afafa
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