Makanan sehat, Timur Tengah, Cepat saji
ChickenShawarma is a Middle Eastern dish of marinated chicken cooked on a vertical rotisserie. Thinly sliced, its served in flatbread like pita with toppings such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and sauces like tahini or garlic sauce. The marinade
ChickenShawarma is a Middle Eastern dish of marinated chicken cooked on a vertical rotisserie. Thinly sliced, its served in flatbread like pita with toppings such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and sauces like tahini or garlic sauce. The marinade
ChickenShawarma is a Middle Eastern dish of marinated chicken cooked on a vertical rotisserie. Thinly sliced, its served in flatbread like pita with toppings such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and sauces like tahini or garlic sauce. The marinade
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