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Frutamix, Everplate Sudirman

Frutamix, Everplate Sudirman

Beverages, Sweets, Snacks

Bạn có 4 ưu đãi
  • Giảm 50% món ăn, lên đến 28k
  • Giảm 10% món ăn, lên đến 4k

Cold Pressed Juice (275 Ml)

Cold Pressed Juice - Dragons Blood

100 pure cold pressed dragons fruit, apple, watermelon, NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - stabilize blood pressure, help lose weight


Cold Pressed juice - Black Magic

100 pure cold pressed apple, lemon, chia seed, and honey - NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - detox, help lose weight, lower blood cholesterol


Cold Pressed Juice - The Hulk

100 Pure cold pressed pineapple, baby spinach, cucumber, lemon and honey - no added sugar, no preservatives - immune booster, mouth ulcer (sariawan), muscle recovery, prevent hairloss, better digestion


Cold Pressed Juice - Copacabana (NEW)

100 pure cold pressed pineapple, coconut water, and sea salt - NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - immune booster, heart health, control appetite


Cold Pressed Juice - B3auty and the Beet

100 pure cold pressed apple, carrot, beetroot and lime - NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - anti-aging, anti-cancer, immune booster, stabilize blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol trygliceride, reduce pimple


Cold Pressed Juice - The Smurfs

100 pure cold pressed lychee, blueberry, and low fat yogurt - NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - anti-aging, immune booster, reduce pimple, bright skin, help lose weight


Cold Pressed Juice - Shine On

100 pure cold pressed tomato, apple, carrot, and watermelon - NO ADDED SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES - clear bright skin, eyes health, anti-cancer, anti-aging


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