Aneka nasi, Pizza & pasta, Barat
The fruits combines: watermelon (semangka), melon, dragon fruit (buah naga), papaya fruit (pepaya), apple (apel), grapes (anggur), manggo jelly
lettuce(salada), tomato (tomat), cucumber (timun), carrot (wortel), corn (jagung), potato (kentang), slice of chicken (potongan ayam), boiled egg (telur) and mayonnaise
lettuce(salada), tomato (tomat), cucumber (timun), carrot (wortel), corn (jagung), potato (kentang), slice of chicken (potongan ayam), boiled egg (telur) and mayonnaise
The fruits combines: watermelon (semangka), melon, dragon fruit (buah naga), papaya fruit (pepaya), apple (apel), grapes (anggur), manggo jelly
Es Rujak Bali
Jagung + Bumbu Spesial
Mangga + Ketan Legit + Vla Santan
Rambutan + Air Jeruk Peras + Air Jeruk Nipis + Cabe + Garam
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