Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus Cabang Waringin, Nusaniwe
Chicken & duck
Roti'O, Spbu Ambon
KFC, Diponegoro Ambon
Rice, Fast food, Middle Eastern
Ayam Geprek Sirimau
Fast food, Rice, Chicken & duck
Chatime x Cupbop, Ruko Diponegoro Ambon
Beverages, Coffee, Snacks, Korean
Padiiisss Kitchen, Akhmad Yani
Rice, Snacks, Fast food
RM.padang Citra Minang, Jl. Setia Budi Nomor 53a
Beverages, Rice
Dapoer Jumbo, Said Perintah
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
RM Coto Maros, Yos Soedarso
Middle Eastern
Geprek Bensu, Ambon
Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Mie Tokio, Jl Ay Patty No 37
Beverages, Noodles, Thai
Warung Super Jumbo, Yan Paays
Chinese, Noodles, Rice
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