Nasi Pecel Kampung Timur, Indrakila
Warung Pecel Harmony x Pecel Family, Jenderal Ahmad Yani
Rice, Chicken & duck
Pecel Pincuk Mbak Mimin, Gunung Guntur
Nasi Bebek Tugu Pahlawan, Mayjend Sutoyo
Noodles, Rice, Chicken & duck
Nasi Bebek Uniba, Penegak
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Fast food
Warung Kediri Mubarok
Chicken & duck, Rice
Warung Pia Jaya Geprek, Blora 2 Pasar Baru
Rice, Beverages, Noodles
Chicken & duck, Rice, Snacks
Gado-Gado Puskesmas Sepinggan Raya
Bebek & Ayam Goreng Yuk PON, Karang Joang
Chicken & duck
Papah Ndeso (Nasi Goreng & Ayam Crispy), Manggar
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
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