E 47 Warung Bu Lila, Jl.Balikpapan
Rice, Beverages, Fast food
Fast food, Healthy
Bubur Manado Barokah, Gg.Pandega
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Damn Burger X Demenkopi Roastery, Strat 1
Fast food, Coffee, Pizza & pasta
Mayka Donut, D.I. Panjaitan
Snacks, Bakery, Fast food
Rumah Kepiting Cumi, RKC reborn
Seafood, Rice, Beverages, Chicken & duck, Sate, Healthy, Indonesian, Fried Rice, Steakhouse, Snacks, Fast food, Martabak
Nasi Goreng Seafood By RKC, ruko RD10
Beverages, Rice, Sate, Fried Rice, Snacks, Chicken & duck, Fast food, Seafood, Healthy, Indonesian, Steakhouse
Rumah Karipap, Sumber Rejo 1
Snacks, Fast food, Bakery
Rumah Sosis Senayan, Karang Rejo
Snacks, Fast food
Depot Bakpao & Mantau Mantap, Balikpapan Baru
Snacks, Fast food, Sweets
IKAN ASIN BERKAH DH5, Jl. Sumber Rejo I Rt 51 BI/03
Seafood, Fast food, Indonesian
Pempek Yak, DI Panjaitan
Snacks, Fast food, Bakso & soto
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