Nasi Padang Pondok Minang, Baiturrahman
Nasi Padang Pondok Minang Dibawah Fly Over, Jln Tngku Cik Ditiro
Rice, Beverages
HokBen, Panglima Polem Peunayong
Japanese, Fast food, Rice
Richeese Factory, Banda Aceh
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
King Fried Chicken, Seutui
Chicken & duck
Malioboro Seafood, Beurawe
Rice, Fast food
McDonald's, Batoh Banda Aceh
Fast food, Sweets, Snacks
Nasi Gurih Kak Mah Khas Sigli, Beurawe
Coffee, Chicken & duck, Rice
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