Snack & Jajanan Jadoel Meli, Cemilan & Oleh Oleh, Astana Anyar
Snacks, Sweets, Beverages
Sebotol Astana Anyar (Beer,Wine,Kawa Kawa), Jalan Astana Anyar No. 184A
Athaya Bakeshop
Bakery, Beverages, Snacks
SLKV Coffee
Beverages, Coffee
Toko Kopi Eksistensi, Jl. Terusan Pasir Koja No. 16
Beverages, Coffee
Teh Poci Bang Adhe, Pajagalan
Point Coffee, Indomaret Otista (TUE8)
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
RM Cendol Goyobod EZ 518, Otto Iskandardinata
Bakso & soto, Noodles, Beverages
Warung Seblak Ayu, Deka Cell
Snacks, Beverages
Warung Ibu Nur, Pungkur
Rice, Fast food, Beverages
Ayam Goreng dan Bakar Turangga, Kopo
Rice, Chicken & duck, Beverages
Mie Lidi Yasmine Food
Beverages, Snacks
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