Sate Tegal Pak Kusno, PHH Mustofa
Angkringan Kopi Arang Mas Bejo
Sate, Rice
Sate Maranggi Dan Asin Pedas Kanjeng Mamih, Kampus USB YPKP
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
Sosis & Seafood Bakar Ariq
Rice, Sate, Seafood
Beverages, Sate, Chicken & duck, Rice, Seafood, Fast food
Soto Betawi Restu Ibu 909 Bandung, Mandalajati/Jatihandap
Bakso & soto, Sate
Warung Nasi Ampera, Suci
Rice, Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck, Sate
Omah Gaiya, Kiaracondong
Bakso & soto, Noodles, Sate
E_87 Alam Sunda, Jl Lapang Tembak
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
Sate Bbq Mr. L - Jatihandap, Jatihandap
Sate Taichan Goreng Senayan, Kiaracondong
Chicken & duck, Japanese, Sate
Nusa Food, Jl Abdul Hamid
Chicken & duck, Rice, Sate
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