Sarang Eskrim Baksar, Jl.Babakan Sari 3 No.20
Snacks, Fast food, Sweets
Kreuzzz, Babakan Sari
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Beverages
SEBLAK D'POER ABBI, Kiaracondong
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
SEBLAK D'POER UMMI, Kiaracondong
Fast food, Snacks, Indonesian
Tape Ketan, Kebon Jayanti
Snacks, Fast food, Indonesian
RM Kota Minang, Babakan Sari
Rice, Fast food
Pisang Goreng Tanduk Crispy, Jl.Babakan Sari 1 No 65
Snacks, Fast food
Seblak Leste Babakan Sari 1, Kiara Condong Bandung
Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck, Fast food
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