Chew & Cheer (Lidah, Depan Masjid Al-iklas)
Snacks, Beverages, Fast food
Warung Yu Nur,Samping PLN, Gambiran
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
CHIC BOWL, Di Song Mie Jakarta
Fast food
Dapoer Hamzah Es Teller Sultan & Nasi Tempong, Perum Ggm
Fast food, Beverages, Rice
Ayam Kremes Hamzah & Nasi Tempong, Perum GGM 2,Blok N 12,Cangaan
Beverages, Fast food, Rice
Pisang Crispy Deliana, Meliwis
Snacks, Fast food, Sweets
Mak Lemoott Bu Misnati, Srigunting
Rice, Fast food
Pawon Mbak R, Genteng
Fast food, Snacks, Sweets
Es Degan & Es Jeruk Peras,Ozkhan Coconut Drink, HOTEL AGUNG GENTENG
Beverages, Fast food
Nasi Pecel Mbah Yam, Raung
Rice, Fast food, Beverages
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Cilok BRE Banyuwangi, Genteng wetan/Dusun Cangaan
Fast food, Bakso & soto, Beverages
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