Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck
5.58 km
30+ ratings
10+ ratings
10+ ratings
Shaved Ice With Syrup And Coconut
Pepes Jamur Dikukus Dalam Daun Pisang
Coconut Milk With Palm Sugar
Nasi Timbel + Ayam Goreng + Lele + Tahu + Tempe + Sayur Asam + Sambal Cobek
Nasi liwet + teri kacang + mie goreng + es teh
Nasi putih terong tauco + pedak goreng + es teh
Nasi putih + tahu telor + es teh
Nasi putih cumi asin cabe ijo + karedok + es teh
Nasi Timbel + Ayam Goreng + Lele + Tahu + Tempe + Sayur Asam + Sambal Cobek
Nasi Liwet + Ikan Teri Asin
Seafood / Pete
Kecap/ Pedas/ Cobek
Hot Spicy Fish Head Soup
Fish Head Soup In Gule / Kari Sauce
Pepes Peda Dikukus Dalam Daun Pisang
Pepes Jamur Dikukus Dalam Daun Pisang
Pepes Oncom Dikukus Dalam Daun Pisang
Fried Chicken Pandan
Fried Garlic Chicken
Oxtail Soup
Fried Egg Tofu With Peanut Sauce
Crabmeat Omelette With Sweet Sour Sauce
Corn Fritters
Tofu With Mixed Vegetables
Coconut Milk With Palm Sugar
Shaved Ice With Syrup And Mixed Fruits
Shaved Ice With Syrup And Coconut
Tape Coklat Keju
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