Minang Geprek
Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck, Rice
Real Food, Mandiangin.
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Yamin Bakso Niper, Bukittinggi
Bakso & soto, Noodles
Barack Mak Nyoss
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Nasi Kuning Banua, Ampek Angkek
Rice, Bakso & soto
Warung Sarapan Bukit Lurah, Kadai Bukit Lurah
Rice, Bakso & soto, Healthy
BAKSO IKAN TUNA, Banunampu/parabek,karatau
Beverages, Bakso & soto, Coffee
Warung Bakso Simas, Jalan Simpang Bukik
Beverages, Bakso & soto
Waroeng Bite Bumbu Mao, Koto Bule Jambun Lasi
Snacks, Bakso & soto, Fast food
Dapoer Bunda maknyus
Rice, Fast food, Bakso & soto
cafe parang panta
Beverages, Bakso & soto, Noodles
Soto Medan Tarbiyah, Pesantten Tarbiyah Canduang
Rice, Bakso & soto, Noodles
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