Kerupuk Pedas Manis Bibik
Snacks, Fast food
Risoles mayo mami lula
Snacks, Fast food, Bakery
Mie Padeh Hisyam, Jangkak Mandiangin
Beverages, Fast food, Rice
Mie Padeh Setan Rassyifa Food, Bukittinggi
Beverages, Noodles, Fast food
Pondok Nasi Goreng Anton, Soekarno Hatta
Rice, Fast food, Coffee, Fried Rice
Minuman Lamak, Bukitapit
Beverages, Coffee, Fast food
Es Coklat Berdua, Jambu Air
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Rasa Rumah Dapur ARSYiLLA, Jl. Kubu Tanjun
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
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