Tansu Om Chenk, Payakumbuh
Coffee, Sweets, Fast food
Uji Kopi Payakumbuh
Beverages, Coffee, Indonesian
Gerobak Kopi 2.0, Tanjuang Gadang
Fast food, Coffee, Beverages
Nasi Kapau Uni Efi, Jorong Parak Maru Nagari Kapau
Rice, Chicken & duck, Coffee
Kendai Dunsanak, Jl.Surabaya No.11 BalaiNanDuo
Beverages, Bakso & soto, Coffee
Oriteh Sumbar, Simpang Jambu Air
Beverages, Coffee
Kedai Kopi Sakinah, Payakumbuh Barat
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
Oni Coffee & Mocktails, Payakumbuh
Beverages, Sweets, Coffee
Mie Aceh Cita Rasa, Parik Putuih
Beverages, Noodles, Coffee
Mie Extra Padeh Zayn, Simpang Sumua Tigo Baleh
Rice, Coffee, Beverages
Raffberry, Payakumbuh Barat
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Geprekfey, Payakumbuh
Chicken & duck, Coffee, Fast food
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