Nasi Rames Sabar Menanti, Cilacap Tengah
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Rice
Kurnia Bakery & Cake, Cilacap Tengah
Bakery, Snacks
Nasi Pecel Madiun Perintis & Es Teh Ginastel, Perintis Kemerdekaan
Chicken & duck, Rice, Beverages
Pempek Bu Aziz, Gunung Simping
Snacks, Fast food, Bakso & soto
Cahaya Minang Masakan Padang, Jl Rinjani
Chicken & duck, Rice, Beverages
RM Raos Sedep, Cilacap
Rice, Chicken & duck, Bakso & soto
Soto Semarang & Pecel 'Makmur', Cilacap Tengah
Bakso & soto, Rice, Chicken & duck
Bakso Aan, Cilacap
Bakso & soto, Noodles
Warung Lotek Kendeng, Kendeng
Pempek Yenni, Sutomo
Beverages, Snacks
Babeh 1, Cilacap Tengah
Chicken & duck, Snacks
Angkringan Babeh 3, Dr Soetomo
Chicken & duck, Noodles, Seafood
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