14.58 km
80+ ratings
50+ ratings
50+ ratings
Sayur Asam Manis
Pepes tahu
Ayam sambal hejo spesial
Swir ayam biasa
Ayam goreng serundeng
Telor dadar
Ati burih Bumbu Kecap
Terong balado
Orek tempe pedas manis
nasi rames komplit (telor/pindang tongkol +tumis +sambel lalab
Nasi rames komplit (suir ayam + tumis + sambel lalab)
Sambel maknyoos pedeees. . .
Pepes tahu
Asam manis
Sayur Asam Manis
Nasi timbel. ayam serundeng goreng tempe / tahu, sambel lalab
Bumbu Merah
Pindang Ecot..lunak
Asam Manis
Ikan Mas
nasi timbek,gepuk,capcay,kentang,sambel lalab
Bumbu Kecap Pedes
Asin Plus Kelapa
Nasi Timbel +Goreng Ayam Serundeng+ Goreng Tahu + Lalap + Sambel
Kadok kacang
Babat bumbu kecap
Goreng ikan Nila
Sayur sop Daging ayam
Sambel dadak mentah terasi + jeruk purut
Kentang + kacang
Silegit Tea
It's like having the entire neighborhood's kitchen in your pocket
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