Ayam Geprek Om Huss, Tarumajaya
Chicken & duck
Gerai Roti Bakar (Choco Bread)
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Bakmie Bangka Muslim Koh Awie, Setiamulya
Bebek Setan, Bekasi Utara
Chicken & duck
Master Penyet, Tarumajaya
Chicken & duck
Warkop Disini Aja, Villa Mutiara Gading 1
Rice, Fast food, Coffee
Warung Sop Iga Sapi Tante Melani, Villa Gading Harapan
Seafood, Rice, Chicken & duck
Soto Betawi Senen Cemara
Bakso & soto, Beverages
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