L.A Cook Authentic Mentai X Oden Sama, Galaxy Food Court
Japanese, Rice, Sate
BUBUR AYAM KHAS BEKASI, Bekasi Selatan/pekayon Jaya
Rice, Sate
Bubur Ayam Cirebon Sabar Subur, Kemandoran Pekayon Tugu
Rice, Fast food, Sate
Snacks, Chinese, Sate
Sate Maranggi Hj Mumun, Bekasi Selatan
Sate, Rice, Chicken & duck
Sop Janda ( Jawa Sunda ), Pekayon
Bakso & soto, Sate, Chicken & duck
Sari Rasa Pekayon, Ruko Bukit Safira
Sate, Chicken & duck, Rice
Putu Made, Pakuwon Mall Bekasi
Chicken & duck, Seafood, Sate, Rice, Indonesian
Sate Senayan by Sate Khas Senayan, Grand Metropolitan Bekasi
Rice, Sate
Sate & Mie Ratu, Foodcourt Revo Mall
RM Sate Solo Sidomampir Pak Min, Jakasampurna
Bakso Malang Cak Endut Galaxy, RSNB 15 Grand Galaxy City
Beverages, Bakso & soto, Sate
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