Risoles & Dimsum Bu Ade, Pulo Gebang
Fast food, Snacks, Chinese
AA DIMSUM Rawa Terate
Chinese, Indonesian
Solaria, Sedayu City Kelapa Gading
Rice, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Dimsum Pak Djenggot, Pulo Gebang
Snacks, Fast food, Chinese
FOO HENG HONGKONG DIMSUM, Sedayu Suites Apartment
Winglok Hongkong Dimsum Shop, Harapan Indah
Chinese, Rice, Chicken & duck
Dimsum Andria Harapan Indah
Snacks, Fast food, Chinese
KUOTIE IYAN, Kota Harapan Indah
Chinese, Healthy, Snacks
Bakso Gepeng Acun, Ruko Harapan Indah
Bakso & soto, Chinese, Fast food
Rice, Fast food, Chinese
Dimsumin, Kp Bulak Jaya
Snacks, Bakery, Chinese
Dapur Agiok, Kelapa Gading
Noodles, Chinese, Chicken & duck
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