Jajanan Momaulshop
Fast food, Indonesian, Sate
Dapoer Mama Adfa
Snacks, Fast food, Indonesian
FFA Kebab & Pizza, Kirana Cibitung
Fast food, Middle Eastern, Pizza & pasta
Warung Jajan Asean, Per,KiranaCibitungBlokp1 No29
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Pecel Lele Mama VeBiell, Cikarang
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Pin Food
Beverages, Fast food, Coffee
Mie Ayam Pangsit Mbak Yatik
Fast food, Bakso & soto, Noodles
Sosis Goreng Lbs 2 Muktiwari
Fast food, Snacks, Coffee
Mie Ayam Bakso Nadiya
Fast food, Bakso & soto, Noodles
RM. Padang Bismillah 04, Cibitung
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Frozen Food Dan Aqiqah Dapur Samara, Perum LbS2, Muktiwari
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Japanese
Rumah Pisang Nuget, Cibitung
Fast food, Snacks, Sweets
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