Mie Gacoan, Bogor Tajur
Noodles, Beverages
Bubur Spesial, Batutulis
Chinese, Rice, Noodles
Mie Bangladesh & Nasi Cobek Dapoer Macika, Layungsari 2
Rice, Noodles, Bakery
Mie Pedas Bang Gondrong, Jl. Sukasari
Rice, Noodles, Coffee
Soto Mie Khas Bogor Kang Ube, Cabang Cikerteg
Bakso & soto, Noodles
Ayam Bakar & Geprek Yumyum, Empang
Rice, Chicken & duck, Noodles
baso Sugih Rasa Eb12, Pasir Kuda
Beverages, Noodles
Jajanan Mama Helen, Deket Grosir Kanza
Indonesian, Noodles, Snacks
Kedai Sunda Bu Nay, Jalan Roda Gg Litih
Rice, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Kopitiam Djoeang, GBR
Rice, Bakery, Noodles
Pecel Lele Mamah Ilham Si Raja Raos, KRR Jabaru 2
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Warkop A Mamat - Bukit Asri, Pagelaran
Noodles, Snacks, Coffee
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