Grouu MPASI Bayi, Limo
Fast food
Ayam Geprek Bang Arie, Limo
Snacks, Rice, Chicken & duck
Sate Goreng Nabawie (Smoked Chicken), Artayasa
Sate, Rice, Japanese
Cemilan & Snack Gurih Mbak Alida, Meruyung - Limo Kota Depok
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
Ayam Penyet & Nasi Uduk Ibu Ani, Limo
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Ketupat Sayur Padang Masakan Ami Tchaa, Limo
d’BestO, Meruyung 2
Chicken & duck, Fast food, Western
ROTI’O, Kios Meruyung Depok
Bakery, Snacks
ES TEH SOLO VIRAL LIMO, Bhakti Karya Meruyung
Beverages, Rice, Chicken & duck
Dapur Cokelat, Meruyung Depok
Sweets, Bakery, Beverages, Snacks
Nasi goreng Linar
Indonesian, Rice, Fast food
Point Coffee, Indomaret Meruyung Limo
Coffee, Beverages, Snacks
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