Warung Makan Warpat
Snacks, Chicken & duck, Seafood
frozen radjajaya, KLP GDNG
Snacks, Fast food, Seafood
Nasi Goreng Kang Daseng,Seafood,Capcay,Mie, Rawamangun
Rice, Seafood, Chinese
Pondok Reagan, Rawamangun
Seafood, Rice, Chinese
Pondok Teduh, Rawamangun
Rice, Fast food, Seafood
Fast food, Chinese, Seafood, Fried Rice
Kwetiaw Jangkung JK
Noodles, Seafood, Chinese
Pondok Kenari, Gading Raya
Rice, Chinese, Seafood
Seafood Sari Laut 88, Cempaka Putih Timur
Nasi Goreng Seafood Pondok Orin, Pisangan / Pulogadung
Rice, Seafood
Nasi Goreng Seafood Pondok Kayyisa, Pisangan / Pulogadung
Rice, Noodles, Seafood
PONDOK TEDUH, Pisangan Timur
Rice, Seafood, Chinese
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