7.78 km
500+ ratings
500+ ratings
400+ ratings
500ml. From Fresh and natural Kale, Lemon and Pineapple fruit.
7 Botol Coldpressed Juice (Resep Khusus Untuk Detox Selama 1 Hari) + 2 Infuse Water, Dihabiskan Dalam 1 Hari, Tidak Makan Makanan Padat Pada Saat Detox Day. Air Putih Tetap Minimal 2 Liter Per Hari. Silakan Tulis Di Note Untuk Penderita Gerd/Maag.
500ml of Fresh and natural Avocado fruit.
Silakan Tulis Jus Buah Apa Saja Yg Anda Inginkan
500ml of Fresh and natural Guava fruit.
500ml of Fresh and natural Watermelon fruit.
Susu Sapi Segar Mix Dengan Jus Buah Strawberry Segar.
Strawberry, Banana, Apple. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
2 Bottles 500ml Our Best Seller Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
250ml. Meringankan gejala asam urat. Campuran pure juice Apel Lemon dan Jahe
Pure local orange juice. Added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Fresh milk with fresh juice honeydew. nett 500ml.
Pure red dragon juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
250ml. Mengulangi kadar gula darah anda. Campuran pure juice Wortel,kale dan seledri
Pineapple, mango, banana, apple. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Fresh milk mix with banana juice. nett 500ml
250ml. Meringankan gejala flu dan batuk. Campuran pure juice Wortel,apel dan jahe.
Guava Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
500ml. From Fresh and natural Orange and Carrot fruit.
7 Botol Coldpressed Juice (Resep Khusus Untuk Detox Selama 1 Hari) + 2 Infuse Water, Dihabiskan Dalam 1 Hari, Tidak Makan Makanan Padat Pada Saat Detox Day. Air Putih Tetap Minimal 2 Liter Per Hari. Silakan Tulis Di Note Untuk Penderita Gerd/Maag.
Pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
2 Bottles 1000ml Our Best Seller Juice. Free Exclusive Package and Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
250ml. Membantu Meringankan Gejala darah rendah. Campuran pure juice Beet Naga merah,apel dan wortel
Pure Watermelon juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Fresh Milk Mix Your Choice Fruit Juice. Harap Tulis Note Buah Yg Dipilih. Nett 500ml.
Strawberry, melon, orange, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
3 Bottle 250ml Our Signature Cold Pressed Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
Pure starfruit juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Orange, pineapple, Apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Watermelon and Strawberry fruit.
500ml of Fresh and natural Green Coconut.
250ml. Membantu menurunkan kolestrol apabila rutin dikonsumsi. Campuran pure juice Belimbing, timun dan seledri.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Kale, Lemon and Pineapple fruit.
6 Bottle 250ml Our Signature Cold Pressed Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
250ml. membantu menghilangkan lemak. Campuran pure juice nanas,timun dan seledri.
Orange, Pineapple, Mango. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Mango, coconut water and yoghurt. no added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
250ml. Membantu Menghilangkan Setress. Pure juice campuran banana stawberry dan pear.
Hampers Simple Berisikan 4 Botol Jus SINGLE FRUIT 500ml
Pure pineapple juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 350ml.
Pineapple Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Mix Orange And Strawberry Juice. Nett: 500ml
Mango, strawberry, apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
250ml. Untuk melancarkan pencernaan anda. Pure juice carrot, apple dan pear.
500ml Of Fresh And Natural Orange
250ml. Untuk menjaga kesehatan Mata anda. pure juice carrot dan seledri.
500ml of Fresh and natural Cucumber mix lime
500ml of Fresh and natural Lemon.
Pure tomato juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Orange and Mango fruit.
Kale Mix Pineapple And Lemon Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
500ml of fresh and natural pineapple
250ml. pure juice campuran carrot,watermelon,cucumber dan seledri
250ml. meringankan sakit kepala. pure juice kale,seledri,apel,timun dan jahe.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Banana and Strawberry fruit.
Pisang Mix Strawberry Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Orange, starfruit, guava, pineapple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
500ml of fresh and natural carrot.
250ml. apple,carrot,celedry,ginger dab beet.
Pineapple, Mango, Orange. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Orange Mix Carrot Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Apple Beet Carrot. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Apple Mix Kale Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Apple, pineapple, Kale. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
500ml of Fresh and natural Starfruit fruit.
Pineapple, Orange, Apple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
500ml. From Fresh Apple And Beet.
Mix From Fresh Apple And Kale. 500ml.
Jus Semangka 1 Liter. From Fresh And Natural Watermelon. 1 Liter
Apple Watermelon Pineapple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Orange, Carrot, Ginger. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Made From Fresh Pineapple And Celery Juice. 500ml.
Made From Fresh Apple And Starfruit. 500ml
Kale Celery Pineapple, Freshly Made. Processed With Coldpressed Juicer. No Water And Sugar Added. Nett 250ml.
Sunkist, Carrot, Pineapple. Freshly Made With Coldpressed Juicer. No Added Water And Sugar. Netto: 250ml
3 Bottles 500ml Best Seller Juice. Free Greeting Card And Premium Packaging. Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note.
Silakan Tulis Jus Buah Apa Saja Yg Anda Inginkan
Beli 10 varian signature coldpressed juice, juice cure atau smoothies, free 1 bottle.
Siomay Premium Ikan Tenggiri Asli. Dibuat Higienis Dengan Bahan Bahan Pilihan Dan Premium. Isi 5 Pcs Sudah Dengan Bumbu Kacang Dan Saos Sambal. Sangat Nikmat Untuk Teman Minum Jus.
Ceker ayam lunak bumbu rempah
Isian daging ayam dan daging cincang
Pangsit ayam rebus dengan chili oil yg gurih
Isi 16 oz, dari tebu pilihan, tanpa tambahan air. Dengan Tambahan Kopi Didalamnya
Isi 16 oz, dari tebu pilihan, tanpa tambahan air.
Isi 16 oz, dari tebu pilihan, tanpa tambahan air.dengan Campuran Buah Nanas Yg Segar Didalamnya
Isi 16 oz, dari tebu pilihan, tanpa tambahan air. Dengan Campuran Buah Lemon Yg Segar Didalamnya
500ml of Fresh and natural Watermelon fruit.
500ml. Buah Yang Kami Pakai Adalah Strawberry Fresh Yang Sudah Beku. Walaupun Tanpa Es Tetap Dingin.
500ml of Fresh and natural Mango fruit.
500ml of Fresh and natural Red Dragon fruit.
500ml of Fresh and natural Avocado fruit.
500ml Of Fresh And Natural Orange
500ml of Fresh and natural Lemon.
500ml of fresh and natural pineapple
500ml. Sirsak Yang Kami Pakai Adalah Sirsak Fresh Yang Sudah Beku. Walaupun Tanpa Es Tetap Dingin.
500ml of Fresh and natural Guava fruit.
500ml of fresh and natural carrot.
500ml of fresh and naturan tomato.
500ml of fresh and natural Tamarillo juice.
500ml of Fresh and natural Starfruit fruit.
500ml of Fresh and natural Honeydew fruit.
500ml Of Fresh and natural Pear fruit.
Fromfresh and natural fruit
Jus Kiwi 500ml terbuat dari buah segar pilihan. Dibuat dengan proses yang higienis.
2 Bottles 500ml Our Best Seller Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
2 Bottles 1000ml Our Best Seller Juice. Free Exclusive Package and Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
3 Bottle 250ml Our Signature Cold Pressed Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
6 Bottle 250ml Our Signature Cold Pressed Juice. Free Exclusive Package And Greeting Card.Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note
Hampers Simple Berisikan 4 Botol Jus SINGLE FRUIT 500ml
Isi 1 botol jus 1 liter varian bebas pilih single atau mix juice
Isi 2 250 ml bebas varian rasa
3 Bottles 500ml Best Seller Juice. Free Greeting Card And Premium Packaging. Choose Your Juice Or Mix Juice And Write In The Note.
Isi 6 botol 500 ml bebas pilih varian jus
Isi 4 250 ml bebas pilih varian rasa
7 Botol Coldpressed Juice (Resep Khusus Untuk Detox Selama 1 Hari) + 2 Infuse Water, Dihabiskan Dalam 1 Hari, Tidak Makan Makanan Padat Pada Saat Detox Day. Air Putih Tetap Minimal 2 Liter Per Hari. Silakan Tulis Di Note Untuk Penderita Gerd/Maag.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Guava and Strawberry fruit.
From Fresh and natural Soursop and Guava fruit.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Orange and Carrot fruit.
From Fresh and natural Avocado fruit mix Arabica coffee with medium roaste.
500ml. from fresh and natural mango and strawberry fruit.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Watermelon and Strawberry fruit.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Kale, Lemon and Pineapple fruit.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Avocado fruit mix Arabica coffee with medium roaste.
Mix Orange And Strawberry Juice. Nett: 500ml
500ml of Fresh and natural Cucumber mix lime
500ml. From Fresh and natural Orange and Mango fruit.
500ml. From Fresh and natural Banana and Strawberry fruit.
From Fresh and natural Soursop and Guava fruit.
500ml. Buah Yang Kami Pakai Adalah Sirsak Dan Strawberry Fresh Yang Dibekukan. Jadi Akan Tetap Dingin Walau Tidak Pakai Es.
Mix Alpukat Dan Pisang. 500ml. Segar, Mengenyangkan, Enak, Kental, Higienis
500ml. From Fresh Apple And Beet.
Mix From Fresh Apple And Kale. 500ml.
Made From Fresh Pineapple And Celery Juice. 500ml.
Made From Fresh Red Dragon And Soursop. 500ml
Made From Fresh Apple And Starfruit. 500ml
From fresh and natural avocado and banana fruit
Orange, starfruit, guava, pineapple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pineapple, Mango, Orange. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Apple Beet Carrot. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Apple, pineapple, Kale. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pineapple, Orange, Apple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Apple Watermelon Pineapple. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Orange, Carrot, Ginger. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Kale Celery Pineapple, Freshly Made. Processed With Coldpressed Juicer. No Water And Sugar Added. Nett 250ml.
Sunkist, Carrot, Pineapple. Freshly Made With Coldpressed Juicer. No Added Water And Sugar. Netto: 250ml
250ml. Meringankan gejala asam urat. Campuran pure juice Apel Lemon dan Jahe
250ml. Mengulangi kadar gula darah anda. Campuran pure juice Wortel,kale dan seledri
250ml. Meringankan gejala flu dan batuk. Campuran pure juice Wortel,apel dan jahe.
250ml. Membantu Meringankan Gejala darah rendah. Campuran pure juice Beet Naga merah,apel dan wortel
250ml. Membantu menurunkan kolestrol apabila rutin dikonsumsi. Campuran pure juice Belimbing, timun dan seledri.
250ml. membantu menghilangkan lemak. Campuran pure juice nanas,timun dan seledri.
250ml. Membantu Menghilangkan Setress. Pure juice campuran banana stawberry dan pear.
250ml. Untuk melancarkan pencernaan anda. Pure juice carrot, apple dan pear.
250ml. Untuk menjaga kesehatan Mata anda. pure juice carrot dan seledri.
250ml. pure juice campuran carrot,watermelon,cucumber dan seledri
250ml. meringankan sakit kepala. pure juice kale,seledri,apel,timun dan jahe.
250ml. apple,carrot,celedry,ginger dab beet.
Strawberry, Banana, Apple. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Pineapple, mango, banana, apple. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Strawberry, melon, orange, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Orange, pineapple, Apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Orange, Pineapple, Mango. No added water. No added sugar. 250ml.
Mango, coconut water and yoghurt. no added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Mango, strawberry, apple, banana. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure local orange juice. Added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure red dragon juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure Melon juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure Watermelon juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure starfruit juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure pineapple juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 350ml.
Pure carrot juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure tomato juice. No added water. No added sugar. You can request with ice or not. Dikemas di botol 250ml.
Pure Lemon. No Added Sugar Water And Ice
Pure Mango. No Added Water Sugar And Ice
250ml Sari Jambu Murni Tanpa Tambahan Air Gula Dan Es
Avocado Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Liter
Mango/mangga Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Guava Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Dragon Fruit Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Strawberry Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Soursop Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Pineapple Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Kale Mix Pineapple And Lemon Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Pisang Mix Strawberry Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Soursop Mix Strawberry Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Dragon Fruit Mix Soursop Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Orange Mix Carrot Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Apple Mix Kale Juice. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Mix Juice Pilihan Anda. Silakan Tulis Di Note 2 Macam Buah. Kental, Enak, Higienis, Halal. Nett 1 Litre
Jus Semangka 1 Liter. From Fresh And Natural Watermelon. 1 Liter
Bananaberry juice. kental, higienis, enak, halal. net 1L
Orange juice. enak, higienis, halal. Net 11L
Buah Potong Isi 650ml.Pilih 3 Buah : Melon, Semangka, Nanas, Belimbing, Apel, Pir, Pisang, Buah Naga.
Strawberry Juice Mix Sparkling Water
Pineapple Juice Mix Sparkling Water
Lemon Juice Mix Sparkling Water
Orange Juice Mix Sparkling Water
Susu Sapi Segar Mix Dengan Jus Buah Strawberry Segar.
Fresh milk with fresh juice honeydew. nett 500ml.
Fresh milk mix with banana juice. nett 500ml
Fresh Milk Mix Your Choice Fruit Juice. Harap Tulis Note Buah Yg Dipilih. Nett 500ml.
500ml of Fresh and natural Green Coconut.
Tahu Bakso Daging Sapi Special. Dikukus. Home Made, Halal. 1 Porsi Isi 3
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