Rice, Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck
6.5 km
10+ ratings
10+ ratings
10+ ratings
Nasi Goreng Sambal Geprek
Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk
Ayam (Hanya Ada Paha) + Sauce + Tahu + Tempe + Nasi
2 Porsi Crispy Popcorn Chicken, Tanpa Nasi
4 Chicken Wings + Pilihan Sauce
Cumi Goreng Tepung
Sate Ayam 5 Tusuk
Ayam (Hanya Ada Paha) + Sauce + Tahu + Tempe + Nasi
Ayam (hanya ada paha) + Sauce + Tahu + Tempe + Nasi
Nasi Bakar Kismis + Ayam Goreng Pandan + Tahu Tempe
Ayam (hanya ada paha) + Sauce + Tahu + Tempe + Nasi
Nasi + Crispy Popcorn Chicken + Sauce
Nasi Goreng Sambal Geprek
Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk
Nasi Goreng Oriental
Nasi Goreng Kecap
Nasi Goreng Sambal Matah
Nasi Goreng Sambal Ijo
Soto betawi dengan irisan daging sapi
Dengan isian irisan ayam
Butter Rice Kismis + Cheesy Cream Chicken Gravy
Premium Chocolate + Cream Cheese
It's like having the entire neighborhood's kitchen in your pocket
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