Mie Ayam Keriting Bangka Pak Harto, Grand Viona Cibentang
Chinese, Noodles, Seafood
Nasi Goreng Gila Bang Bajay, Cibadak
Fast food, Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice
Kedai Kakey, Kec.parung Desa Waru, No 51
Beverages, Snacks, Noodles
Nasi Goreng Tambal Ban
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Fast food, Noodles
Mie Jebew NeNe Fasya
Snacks, Beverages, Noodles
Nasi Goreng Ambyar Le Wanto, Parung Raya
Rice, Noodles, Chicken & duck, Fried Rice
moms Dilan Foods
Bakery, Noodles
Rice, Fast food, Noodles
Nasi Goreng Si AA, Cibanteng
Fast food, Rice, Noodles, Fried Rice
Salad Kebahagiaan, Pertigaan KunKun
Rice, Chicken & duck, Noodles
Soteng (Baso Bonteng) Khas Tasikmalaya, Rumah Ngemil Teteh Ndew
Bakso & soto, Noodles, Fried Rice
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