Tongseng - Sop - Ayam Bakar - Wingko Pak Mur BNI Kota
Rice, Sate
Bubur Ayam Si Doi, Pademangan Barat
Rice, Sate
Bubur Ayam Khas Pemalang, Penjaringan
Sate, Rice, Fast food
Soto Madura Bunga Desa
Bakmie Keriting dan Sate Babi Lung Lung, Pinangsia Timur
Rice, Noodles, Sate
Bubur Ayam Teri 117, Manga Dua Selatan
Fast food, Sate
E_35 Alam Sunda, Jl. Pintu Besar Selatan
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
Soto Tangkar & Sate Kuah ANEKA SARI Pak H. Diding ASLI
Bakso & soto, Beverages, Sate
Azka Ayam Bakar Super
Sate, Chicken & duck, Rice
Iga Babi Ajung, Gunung Sahari
Rice, Sate
Ayam Bakar Beller, Sunter Agung
Rice, Chicken & duck, Sate
Soto Tangkar PPC
Bakso & soto, Sate
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