Restaurant Panca Warna, Kec. Kebumen/ Kel. Kebumen
Rice, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Bakmie Seafood 99 Orlando, Jl. Ampera, Kebumen
Seafood, Chinese
Sambal Bakar Cobek Endulita, Jalan Pemuda No. 131 Kebumen
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Chinese
Chicken & duck, Chinese, Indonesian
Nasi Goreng Sahabat, Kutoarjo
Chinese, Fried Rice, Rice, Fast food
Nasi Goreng Sahabat 2, Kebumen Jatisari Rt05/05
Chinese, Rice, Fast food
AYAM PETOK REBORN, Jatisalam 013/003, Jatisari
Chicken & duck, Chinese
Depot Raffa Chinessefood, Bulus pesantren Ayam putih
Chinese, Sweets, Fast food
Cho Oishi Japanese Food & Resto, Yos Sudarso Barat
Japanese, Korean, Chinese
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