Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Bu-Yah, Gebangsari
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
RM SAHABAT MINANG MASAKAN PADANG, jl.kebukura sumpiuh banyumas
Rice, Beverages, Coffee
Lesehan Mas Juna, Jl.Rayasusukan Depan Sepensus
Coffee, Beverages, Chicken & duck
Bakmi Nyemek Pringtali, Kebarongan
Chicken & duck, Noodles, Coffee
Sempol Ayam Aseli Halte, PRWRJ KL
Coffee, Healthy, Snacks
Sroto Mbah Karti
Beverages, Bakso & soto, Coffee
Banyu Emas Cafe Serayu, Kedunguter
Rice, Snacks, Coffee
Kopi.JJB, SPBU Kaliwinasuh
Snacks, Fast food, Coffee
Angkringan Abahali, Kec Kalibagor Rt11 Rw4 Gang 3
Fast food, Coffee, Beverages
Nasi Goreng Pak Sachori, Sokaraja
Noodles, Rice, Coffee, Fried Rice
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