ARRAFI KITCHEN - Dimsum Mentai - Dll, Kwadungan/Ngasem
Noodles, Chinese, Snacks
Masakan Babi, Semampir GG. III No. 5
Beverages, Chinese, Sate
Nasi Goreng Legenda, Kediri
Rice, Chinese, Seafood
Mie Krisna, Pocanan
Chinese, Noodles, Seafood, Rice
Pangsit Mie Erlangga, Ronggowarsito No 68,kediri
Rice, Noodles, Chinese
Pedesan Menthog, Panglima Polim
Chicken & duck, Chinese, Beverages
Better Bite, SLG Gumul
Sweets, Snacks, Chinese
Jago Geprek, Jln Prajamukti Kota Kediri
Rice, Fast food, Chinese
Mie Erlangga 2, Kediri Kota
Chinese, Noodles, Seafood
We Cafe, Kilisuci, Jamsaren
Rice, Chinese, Beverages
Barbar Chinese Food Super, Letjend Sutoyo
Chinese, Noodles, Rice
Sagara Dimsum Dan Baso Aci, Singonegaran
Snacks, Bakso & soto, Chinese
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