Getuk Crispy Semar, Kediri
Snacks, Fast food, Bakery
Roti Gembong Gedhe, Kediri
Kue Pukis Nafa, Jl.Selowarih Ngadisimo
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
Kopi Kenangan, Ruko Hayam Wuruk
Beverages, Coffee, Sweets, Bakery, Snacks
Laksana Jaya, Pakelan
Bakery, Sweets
Roti'O, St Kediri
Bakery, Snacks, Fast food
Brownie Bites, Perum Graha Kota Kediri
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
Roti Bakar AFA BERKAH, Singonegaran/Pesantren/Dekat Pom Bensin Baruna
Beverages, Bakery, Coffee
Berrys Bakery, Ngronggo
Snacks, Bakery, Pizza & pasta
Donat Alamanda, Nggronggo
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Beverages, Bakery, Snacks
Bolen & Bakpia Simpang Lima Kediri, Blabak
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