Ayam Djoeprek, Ngronggo
Pawon Pak Jack, Urip Sumoharjo
Rice, Chinese, Seafood
Ayam Geprek & Jamu Palupi, Kaliombo
Rice, Chicken & duck
Warung Lek Ni, Pesantren
Roti Bakar AFA BERKAH, Singonegaran/Pesantren/Dekat Pom Bensin Baruna
Beverages, Bakery, Coffee
Myuu's Brownies, Wahid Hasyim
Snacks, Bakery, Sweets
Siomay-siomay, Patimura
Fast food
Penyetan Az Zahra, Bangsal
Chicken & duck, Beverages, Rice
Tellkopi, Bangsal
Ayam Geprek Spicy, KH. Wachid Hasim
Chicken & duck, Rice, Bakso & soto
Bakso dan Mie Ayam Khas Malang, Bandar Lor Mojoroto
Bakso & soto, Chicken & duck, Rice, Noodles
Korindo, Mojoroto
Chicken & duck, Korean, Rice
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