Rudof Shop, Sabidak
Coffee, Fast food, Sate
AH! Drink
Beverages, Coffee
Warung Barokah Kolpajung, Selatan Pasar Kolpajung
Rice, Fast food, Coffee
toraja, monumen arek lancor
Beverages, Coffee
Kedai Minum Khas Malaysia
Beverages, Coffee
Belikopi, Madura Pamekasan
Coffee, Beverages, Fast food
Beverages, Coffee, Fast food
Kedai OINI, Rumdis Depan Lapas Pamekasan
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Warkop Gaul Parteker
Beverages, Rice, Coffee
Warkop Gaul, Tapsion
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Kedai Jus Buah Sehat&Minuman Segar Tanpa Pengawet, ds.Panempan Pamekasan
Beverages, Coffee, Fast food
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