Senyum Cafe Resto
Beverages, Chicken & duck, Sate
Pocong Pancong Bugih, Timur Kantor Bupati
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
Jus Buah Segar Xinona Juice, Jl.Kabupaten 63 Pamekasan
Dessertku Pamekasan Susu Kambing
Snacks, Beverages
M2M, Pamekasan
Fast food, Chicken & duck
Ayam Goreng Nelongso, Pamekasan
Roti Kukus Thailand Mery's OS, Jl Basar
Beverages, Snacks, Bakso & soto
Kedai Anglo, Mandilaras
Rice, Japanese, Chinese
Otlet Ngadem, Segara
Beverages, Coffee, Fast food
Geprekinaja Cokroatmojo, Pakemakasan
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Pocong Pancong Pamekasan, Jln Mandilaras(Toko Buku AMC)
Bakery, Snacks, Sweets
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