Ramu Kopi Space, Jl. Tupai 126
Beverages, Snacks, Coffee
Bakso goreng Baper- Ratulangi
Beverages, Snacks, Bakso & soto
Nasi Tempong Banyuwangi Mbak Imah, Mamajang, Mamajang
Rice, Indonesian, Chicken & duck
Rumah Makan Sidodadi Gunung Sari, Ratulangi
Bebek Bedjo, Ratulangi
Chicken & duck
Bakso Baraccung, Ratulangi
Bakso & soto
CLB Food Center, Tamalate
Kedai Malindo, Landak Baru
Snacks, Rice, Beverages
Burger Nisa, Pabaeng Baeng
Es Coklat Ngetop, Mamajang/parang/kakaktua 2
Sweets, Beverages
Pizza Hut Delivery - PHD, Kakatua
Pizza & pasta, Fast food, Snacks, Western, Chicken & duck
Fifteen, Kakatua 2
Beverages, Snacks, Rice
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