Bakso goreng Baper- Ratulangi
Beverages, Snacks, Bakso & soto
Bebek Bedjo, Ratulangi
Chicken & duck
Sate Madura 91, Tupai
Sate, Fast food, Indonesian
Bebek Goreng Surabaya Khas Ibu Sutami, Veteran
Chicken & duck
Ayam Gepuk Sulawesi, Landak
Rice, Chicken & duck
CLB Food Center, Tamalate
Angkringan Solo Mbak Lusy, Gedung IMB Grup
Beverages, Rice, Sate
Es Teler Nunu Twins, Tupai
Kedai Malindo, Landak Baru
Snacks, Rice, Beverages
Burger Nisa, Pabaeng Baeng
RM. Sederhana, Sam Ratulangi
Pizza Hut Delivery - PHD, Kakatua
Pizza & pasta, Fast food, Snacks, Western, Chicken & duck
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