Beverages, Sweets, Rice
2.17 km
100+ ratings
80+ ratings
70+ ratings
Ayam + Sambel + Timun + Tempe + Tahu + Cemangi
Nasi + Paru Rica + Telur Dadar + Tomat + Timun + Jeruk Purut + Bawang Goreng
1 Butir Telur
Bon Cabe / Original
Mie + Ayam + krupuk + Sosis + Timun + Tomat + Sawi
Ayam + Sambel + Timun + Tempe + Tahu + Cemangi
Nasi + Ayam + Sambel + Timun + Tempe + Tahu + Cemangi
Nasi + Ayam + Sambel Matah + Timun + Tempe + Tahu + Cemangi
2 potong ayam ( Random )
2 potong ayam ( random )
Nasi + Paru Rica + Telur Dadar + Tomat + Timun + Jeruk Purut + Bawang Goreng
2 gelas
Durian / Permen Karet / Vanila Blue / Melon / Sttobery / Alpokat / Mangga / Vanila Latte / Chocolate / Taro / Sirsak / Choco Cookies
Hot / Cold
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