Es Buah Doel Doel
Warung Nasi Kuning Bagadang Hj. Teo, Maccini Raya
Nadine Home Cooked Meals, Bontoala
Rice, Chicken & duck, Fast food
Nadine Homemade, Pajenekang
Sweets, Fast food, Beverages
Cakwe Riau, Irian
Kios Bakpao Sangir, Sangir
Bakery, Chinese, Sweets
McDonald's, Pettarani Makassar
Fast food, Sweets, Snacks
CFC, Kesdam Pelamonia
Fast food, Chicken & duck, Rice
KFC, Ahmad Yani Makassar
Fast food
Holland Bakery, Sulawesi Wajo
Snacks, Bakery
Warung Nasi Kuning Satu Sama (Asuhan Hj. Rosita), Karunrung
Warung Makan Dan Nasi Kuning Qhy-Qhy, Hj Saripah Raya
Rice, Chicken & duck
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