Pisang Coklat
Rumah Rizky Dwi
Snacks, Healthy
Snacks, Sweets, Bakery
Drink Together, Jl. H. Bado Ella
Beverages, Snacks
Kedai Sambal Ghaniy
Rice, Fast food, Snacks
Burger King (Burger dan Ayam), Daya
Fast food, Rice, Snacks, Chicken & duck
Olahan Ikan Bandeng Dan Ikan Gabus, Lr. Anggrek
Rice, Chicken & duck, Snacks
Kebab & Crepes Dboobie, Tamalanrea
Snacks, Fast food, Middle Eastern
Arrumy Cathering, Daya
Rice, Sate, Snacks
Warkop 51 Daya (Kopi Susu, Ayam Geprek, Nasi Goreng, Pisang Goreng, Ubi Goreng)
Coffee, Snacks, Noodles, Beverages, Fried Rice
Shake And Snack It, Workshop Pintu Nol Unhas
Beverages, Snacks, Fast food
McDonald's, Daya Makassar
Fast food, Sweets, Snacks
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