Dapur Mamoya, Batangase
Seafood, Fast food, Beverages
Pempek Kios Alam, Biringkanaya Kelurahan Pai
Snacks, Fast food, Seafood
JAJANAN PEMPEK PAK GURU, Biringkanaya,Pai,Tamsud
Snacks, Fast food, Seafood
Warung Kapurung Pugalu, Biring Kanaya
Dapur Praktis, Makassar
Fast food, Seafood
Warung Sop Kepala Ikan
Indonesian, Seafood, Healthy
Ayam Geprek Nyai Cabang Perumahan Griya Athirah, Samping Polda
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
Unieq Kitchen, Biringkanaya
Snacks, Seafood
Ayam Geprek Nyai Cabang Kima 3, Kima Raya 3
Chicken & duck, Rice, Seafood
Cicoro Farm Jamur Crispy
Nasi Goreng BTP, Tamalanrea
Seafood, Rice, Fried Rice
Nasi Bakar Nipa Nipa
Rice, Chicken & duck, Seafood
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