Noodles, Beverages, Snacks
Tanpa Nasi
Nasi ayam geprek + terong
Isi 4
Isi 2
Isi 2
Isi 2
Isi 2
Isi 2
Isi 4
Isi 4
Isi 2
Isi 4
Isi 4
Isi 4
Isi 2
isi 1
Isi 2
Beli 5 Dapat 6
Cup Super Jumbo
Cup Super Jumbo
Cup Jumbo
Cup super Jumbo
Cup Super Jumbo
Cup Super Jumbo
Cup super Jumbo
Cup Super Jumbo
Es teler premium+es krim campina
Nasi +Ayam Geprek+Telor Ceplok+Tahu Tempe
Nasi ayam geprek + terong
Nasi Ayam Krispy Tempe Mie
Tanpa Nasi
Telor Dadar +Tahu Buntel
Topping Krepes Bawang
Mie Geprek+Ayam Geprek+Tempe+Terong Crispy
Nasi ,Ayam Goreng Telor Dadar,Tahu,Tempe
Nasi+Telur Orak Arik+Ayam Geprek+Tahu Crispy
Nasi+Telor Dadar+Ayam Geprek+Tahu Crispy
Isi 4 pot
Tanpa Nasi
2 Ayam Crispy
2 Ayam
1 Potong
tanpa Nasi
1 Potong Tanpa Nasi
1 Potong
Isi 4
Tanpa Nasi
Nasi ,Ayam Penyet,Bakso,Tahu Tempe
Mie Pedas Bakso Telor
It's like having the entire neighborhood's kitchen in your pocket
Enjoy a large variety of meals, deals, and member-only features in GoFood app.
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